What I'm up to now

Conservation Farming

Working with a local non-profit to conserve the native seeds and growing practices of the desert southwest.

Cooperatively Manufacturing Aid Supplies

I joined an effort called Distributed Medical Device Manufacturing in Tucson— a spinoff of MADR. The immediate goal is to employ people in the community to make tourniquets for mutual aid. Long term, we plan to make other mutual aid supplies to sell on a sliding scale. We're currently in the process of formalizing the organization's existence as a non-profit and a worker-owned cooperative. Our first project is the creation and donation of a run of tourniquets for use by aid workers in Gaza.

Embracing the small / weird / wild web

In the rush to a new crop of corporate-owned social media sites, I've chosen a different path. Instead, I'm gleefully riding the resurgence in the internet that is more personal, distributed, human, and handmade. The term "internet sovereignty" is a good descriptor of what I'm seeing and seeking.

The ongoing redesign of this website is a step in that direction. As was joining Mastodon — where I am finding more aligned minds and sense of community than I ever did on Twitter etc.

Prototyping a different internet

A long-running project with @lukexi to make an internet thing in a long-neglected direction.